Monday, September 27, 2010

5 Months

Our baby girl is now 5 months old!  I can't even believe it.  It seems crazy that she has been with us for this long, but at the same time, it is hard to recall life without her.  She is just so much fun and she cracks us up everyday.  Above is her "official" 5 month picture.  Isn't she gorgeous?  Look at that smile.  She is going to be a knock-out.  Here are some more pictures to show what she has been up to.

She started taking baths in her big tub and she loves to splash around and hold her toys.
She likes to go outside and wait for Daddy to come home.
She loves going outside.  If she is fussy, take her outside and she calms down immediately.  She loves to touch leaves and the bark on trees.
She also loves stroller rides and car rides.  She definitely keeps me in shape!
She loves "naked time."
She has become a Boise State fan.  And has more hair that sticks straight up.
She loves to smile and has finally started to giggle more (see video in previous post).
She loves to read.  She started holding books correctly at about 2.5 months and I thought it was accidental.  No, she is just a genius.  Now she can even hold them up by herself.
She had rice cereal for the first time.  She has been so curious about the food we eat.  She tries to grab my drinks or food whenever I put them near my mouth.  At a restaurant I was holding her while putting papusas into a box.  I tried to close the lid but it flipped back open.  She then grabbed the lid and the papusas flew into the air and on the floor.  It was comical.
So sweet!
 We love our little girl so much!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Per Jack's Request

I got an email from my 3 year old nephew today asking me for videos of Abby.  And I quote, "I want to see Abby moving."  What a kid!  Here you go, buddy.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Abby in the Morning

I love hanging out with Abby in the morning.  She is always so happy and in the mood to play (usually by the time I get home in the evening she is a little bit fussy).  I've been inspired on a few of these mornings to experiment with Katherine's new camera, and I've gotten some good shots, if I say so myself.  I love her hair in some of the later ones.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

4 Months

I'm determined to do Abby's 4 month post so that I can actually be on time for her 5 month one... which is approaching quickly!  Abby turned 4 months on August 24.  It was a very big month for her!
  • She spent most of the month traveling.  We went to a family reunion at Whidbey Island (near Seattle) with my immediate family.  We first drove to Boise and she slept the entire time.  Then we rode with my parents up to Whidbey Island.  She did so well!  We really only had to stop for diaper changes and I just pumped a bottle for her every few hours.  It worked great and she only fussed the last half hour.  Had we not had slow traffic in Seattle, she would have been just fine.
  • She met her cousin Ellen, who is three weeks older than her, for the first time.  She also met her cousin Heath, who is six weeks younger then her.  It was so fun to have three little babies around.  She also met my brothers and my sisters-in-law.
  • She went on a hike, rode on a fairy to the San Juan Islands, went to the Experience Music Project museum in Seattle, rode on the monorail, went to a drive in movie, and did lots of other fun things.
  • She went swimming for the first time in McCall.  She didn't smile about it, but didn't cry either.  
  • She rode on her first airplane ride from Boise to SLC.  Her dad picked us up from the airport (who she hadn't seen for 10 days) and she just smiled and smiled at him.
  • She rolled over from her tummy to her back for the first time.  She wasn't too happy when she did it, so she doesn't try a whole lot anymore. We have a video of her attempting, but not making it.  It is long, but still cute.
  • She loves to go outside and just look around at everything.
  • She discovered her voice and started to really jabber.  We have a video here.
  • She loves to look at and grab her toys and books.
  • She is still in the 25th percentile for weight and height.  She is very proportional and petite.  She weighed 12 lbs 10 oz. and was 23.5 inches long.  The doctor says she is very strong and doing great on her communication  and motor skills.  
Here she is!
Abby and Heath
Tonja, Ellen, Abby, and me
What an attitude!
So cute when she sleeps
I love this picture.  Abby is looking at me and Heath is looking at Emily.  It cracks me up every time.
sweet little face
Three babies! Heath, Ellen & Abby
Emily took some photos of us and I love them.

us again
Chillin while we ate outside.  She loved it.
Happy to be in McCall
watching everyone play tennis
I can't get over this one.
This was the day she rolled over.
I love this one... the colors, her sweet face, so cute.
bathing beauty

Sunday, September 12, 2010


I graduated with my master's degree!  I am officially done and it feels fabulous.  I defended my thesis on July 19 and passed!  Landon, Abby, my parents, and my sister all came to support me since they were in town for Abby's blessing.  It was not a fun experience, but I'm glad I made it through.  I did have to make some changes to my thesis, but I ended up finishing everything.  I was literally working up till the last minute getting everything straightened out with submitting my thesis electronically.  That whole experience was a bit of a nightmare, but I made it!  I don't get my diploma until December with the way all the deadlines work, but I was able to walk in August gradutation... about 2 and a half hours after submitting everything with my thesis!  Hooray for graduating!
Abby and me
Abby pulling and trying to eat my hair
our family
my bat wings
my hood and bat wings
my mom and dad
Will came too- love his pose in this one
cute sleepy girl

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Abby's blessing day

Abigail was blessed by her dad on July 18.  It was a beautiful blessing.  He even remembered her name and didn't play his favorite joke of saying "Amelia Estevez Pratt" instead of her real name... thank goodness.  Here are a few pictures from her special day.
our family
Abby's headshot
showing off the lovely dress
showing off the famous belly
she wore this baby ring that belongs to my mom and that I also wore for my blessing day
I love this sweet face 
I just love it when this happens