Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween!

I love dressing up for Halloween, or for any occasion really. However, this past month has been pretty hectic with midterms, projects, sickness, etc. Whenever we would think about what to be for Halloween, nothing would come to us and we would forget about it.
On Friday, the day of Mandy's Halloween party, I was ready to give up. I figured I could just go as a pirate and Landon could be a soccer player (our default costumes). While walking to school I suddenly came up with an idea Landon would go for. I have to say, for getting everything together in a couple hours, I think we looked pretty awesome.
Here is our inspiration.

We dressed up as Tom and Summer from 500 Days of Summer. We thought this movie was great. The soundtrack is great, and its nonlinear narrative plot was done exceptionally well. And we could really identify with the characters, as I'm sure everyone could in one way or another. Here we are!

The cute couple.
Us again.

Me as Summer. Summer always wears at least one shade of blue. She often wears headbands and tucks her blouses into her mid-rise pants and skirts.

Tom often wears sweater vests or v-neck sweaters with a skinny tie and rolled up sleeves. He also wears his headphones a lot of the time. Landon had speakers hooked up to an ipod in his messenger bag and had Hall and Oates playing as well as other songs from the movie.

The pictures may be hard to tell, but yes, I sprayed my hair to be a brunette.


austinmcraig said...

Hall and Oats! Instant Classic, this one, and I'm really impressed you did this with virtually NO PLANNING! Sorry I didn't see it in person.

Annie said...

Fabulous! Nater, you look good as a brunette! :)Landon, I'm lovin' the headphones! :)