Saturday, October 17, 2009

Gender Guesses Continued

So there have been a lot of votes so far and we thought maybe we could liven things up a bit. Katherine found a website that had a few methods of "predicting" the gender of the baby. Here are the results of our tests:

Heart-rate test

First, the heart-rate test. According to this test if the heart-rate is above 140 the baby is a girl and if it is less than this, it is a boy. You can see on the first picture of the sonogram that is has the heart rate = 165.8. Katherine wanted me to mention that all of the doctors thought she was a boy, because she had a slower heart beat.

Result: GIRL

Chinese Gender Chart

Here is what the website says about this next one: "Legend states that the Chinese Gender Chart was buried in a royal tomb near Beijing over 700 years ago. The original is allegedly currently in the Institute of Science in Beijing. Rumors have it that this chart is over 90% accurate when used properly but please remember that this chart is for entertainment purposes only."

So keep in mind. Entertainment purposes only.

Result: BOY

Needle Method

In this method you thread a needle and dangle it over the stomach of the pregnant woman. It also said online that you could dangle it over her wrist instead. We tried both methods and I have to say that this method was a little sketchy. If the needle swings in a "strong circular motion" then the baby is a girl. If it just swings back and forth it is a boy. It was a little hard to tell what was actually happening... it started out in a circular motion and then ended up just swinging back and forth the first time we did it. Then we switched to the wrist motion and it seemed to be more circular. Probably not the most accurate test, but we concluded:

(Side note on this one... Katherine is very convinced by this test for some reason. She insists that it always does a circular motion.)

Result: GIRL

Old Wives Tales Quiz

This next method is just a quiz with a bunch of old wives tales such as the following:

After 15 questions:

Hardly decisive and some of the questions couldn't really be answered, like about how the baby kicks and stuff.

Result: GIRL

The Final Test - Intelligender

Okay, this one is the big kahuna. This is a urine test you can pick up at walgreen's that claims about 80% accuracy. Still enough chance of error that you want to wait for the sonogram to know for sure, but accurate enough to make things exciting.

The website for the product has the following to say:

"Can pregnant women use this test in place of a sonogram?
No, the test is designed as a fun, positive pre-birth experience for the parents-to-be. IntelliGender does not recommend test users to make any financial, emotional or family planning decisions based on the test results. This includes painting a nursery! Seeing an obstetrician as early in the pregnancy is critical for the health of the mother and the baby. Pregnant women should follow the advice of their physician for decisions related to their pregnancy."

Also, the website has these images of what the results are supposedly going to look like:

In our case the results were not nearly dark enough to be labeled as a boy. It looked much more like the girl results.

Result: GIRL

You can interpret these tests however you like, just be careful in reaching an incorrect conclusion. We will let you know how the sonogram turns out when that time comes... still a few weeks to go!


Linda said...

I especially liked the needle test! All the nurses and doctors thought Nater was a boy -even moments before delivery- So there are surprises-(aren't we glad they were wrong?!)We're excited- Girl- or Boy!

Annie said...

Holy smokes- you guys are out of control!!!! I still say girl. But I might be wrong. I've been wrong before. Either way, I'm hoping for healthy baby. Boy or girl.

Dustin and Lyndsey Wright said...

Ours all came out boy, and then when we found out we were having a girl. Its fun to take all the tests though! :) Congratulations again you guys!!!!

Megan said...

Congratulations you two! Guessing gender is always so fun! I'm due in March, and since, for some reason, people that are pregnant in clumps generally have the same gender, and I'm guessing I'm having a girl, I'll guess that for you too! Enjoy being pregnant because it goes by way too fast!

Amber said...

wow!!! that's so much fun! I wish we had done such a thing...we'll have to do that with the next one (years down the road!). I'm so excited for you guys. Justin is convinced that it's a girl...and that Caleb is going to marry her. LOL!

Kaiti Klara said...

katherine... you are so dang cute haha you are hillarious